Matcha Usucha

Green Tea

Premium Matcha Usucha: vibrant, smooth, and packed with antioxidants.

Detailed Review

Look & Texture:

Matcha Usucha, known for its vibrant green hue, is a feast for the eyes. The finely milled powder has a silky texture, which, when whisked, creates a frothy layer on top. This visually appealing tea is a testament to its quality and meticulous processing. The smooth consistency of the tea is evidence of the high-grade leaves used, resulting in a luxurious and velvety mouthfeel.

Flavour Profile:

The flavour of Matcha Usucha is delicate yet complex. It presents a harmonious balance of sweet and umami notes, with a slight hint of bitterness that adds depth to its profile. The initial sip reveals a sweet, grassy taste, followed by a more profound, earthy undertone. This spectrum of flavours makes it a refreshing and invigorating choice for any time of the day.

Suggested Health Benefits:

Matcha Usucha is renowned for its suggested health benefits, which include a boost in metabolism, improved concentration, and enhanced relaxation. Rich in catechins and antioxidants, this tea may help in detoxifying the body and reducing inflammation. Its L-theanine content is said to promote a calm, focused mind without the jittery effects of caffeine. See below for more details.


Matcha Usucha is widely available, both in specialty tea stores and online. Given its rising popularity, many reputable brands offer this tea, ensuring you have access to high-quality options. Look for ceremonial-grade Matcha to experience the best flavour and texture.


While Matcha Usucha can be on the pricier side due to its quality and production process, it is considered a worthwhile investment for tea enthusiasts. Prices can range from $20 to $50 for a 30-gram tin, reflecting the premium nature of this tea. Its cost is justified by the unique experience it offers and the health benefits it may provide.

Brewing Details:

To brew Matcha Usucha, sift 1-2 grams of Matcha powder into a bowl. Add 60-70 ml of hot water (approximately 80°C). Use a bamboo whisk to create a frothy consistency, whisking in a "W"

Suggested Health Benefits

Health Benefit Active Compound Potential Impact
Improved concentration and cognitive functionL-theaninePromotes relaxation without drowsiness and enhances focus
High antioxidant levelsCatechins (especially EGCG)Protects cells from damage and supports overall health
Boosted metabolism and fat burningCaffeine and catechinsIncreases thermogenesis and fat oxidation
DetoxificationChlorophyllAids in removing heavy metals and toxins from the body
Enhanced immune systemPolyphenols and EGCGStrengthens the immune response and fights off infections